Хронология основных событий

— 2023 —

»» Time is all we have © [2023, October]
»» Forewarned is forearmed © [2023, October]

— 1998 —

»» There's no time to explain! [1998, May]
»» The forest is dark and full of terrors [1998, May]
»» Always have an escape plan © [1998, May]
»» I'll save you [1998, May]
»» Сourage in danger is half the battle © [1998, May]
»» Searching for a place that I have left behind © [1998, May]

— 1981 —

»» Who will tell the story of your life © [1981, October]
»» Who do you need when you come undone © [1981, October]
»» What could go wrong? [1981, October]
»» Slow down [1981, October]
»» Take off your clothes and enjoy your pain © [1981, November]
»» Truth is stranger than fiction © [1981, November]
»» Compromise - is not an act of weakness [1981, November]
»» Once you really get into trouble [1981, November]
»» After a storm comes a calm... or not? [1981, November]
»» Obey your Master [1981, November]
»» Howling in the dark © [1981, November]
»» This world has gone mad... [1981, November]
»» I am not in danger, I am the danger! © [1981, November]
»» Breathe, it's just a bad day, not a bad life © [1981, November]
»» Caught between two fires [1981, November]
»» Just what we need [1981, November]
»» I did not expect to meet you here (с) [1981, November]
»» A friend in need is a friend indeed © [1981, November]
»» Our last goodbye was never said © [1981, November]
»» Tale as old as time © [1981, November]
»» Hard times always reveal true feelings © [1981, November]
»» Bestrafe Mich [1981, November]
»» Can we be a family? [1981, November]
»» Trust no one, not even yourself © [1981, November]
»» You are not alone anymore [1981, November]
»» I wanna do bad things with you © [1981, November]
»» Dancing with the Death [1981, November]
»» Danger is real, but fear is a choice © [1981, November]
»» Everyone you'll ever meet knows something you don't © [1981, November]
»» No man is an island © [1981, November]
»» No time for games © [1981, November]
»» A woman’s work is never done © [1981, November]
»» A problem is only as big as you make it © [1981, November]
»» They are not as black as they are painted [1981, November]
»» Be my hero, mother © [1981, November]
»» No rest for the wicked © [1981, November]
»» Catch me if you can © [1981, November]
»» Family first [1981, November]
»» Walk through the fire [1981, November]
»» Give up! [1981, November]
»» From bad to worse © [1981, November]
»» Audiatur et altera pars [1981, November]
»» When it rains, it pours, right? [1981, November]
»» Child has the right to be protected within the family [1981, November]
»» Anything that can possibly go wrong, does © [1981, November]
»» Ashes to ashes dust to dust [1981, November]
»» Seems the monster always wins © [1981, November]
»» The day when Mungo fell, p.1 [1981, November]
»» The days are long but the years are short © [1981, November]
»» Order of the Phoenix; p.1 [1981, November]
»» Humble your fate © [1981, November]
»» Death pays all debts © [1981, November]
»» I will change you, I will break you down [1981, November]
»» I'm gonna give all my secrets away © [1981, November]
»» Different people - same issues © [1981, November]
»» Make or mar © [1981, November]
»» Don't believe everything you think © [1981, November]
»» The day when Mungo fell, p.2 [1981, November]
»» Danger hides in beauty and beauty in danger © [1981, November]
»» What goes around comes around [1981, November]
»» Ministry of Magic has no rights, p.1 [1981, November]
»» What brings you all here? [1981, November]
»» Memory remains [1981, November]
»» You'll never know until you try it [1981, November]
»» Sisters are different flowers from the same garden © [1981, November]
»» Family means no one gets forgotten © [1981, November]
»» You can't choose your family © [1981, November]

— One-hour-portal —

Where there’s a will, there’s a way [1998, May]
The ends justify the means © [1996, June]
Who likes it hot? [1996, August]
It's all about saving lives © [1998, May]
We can take what was wrong to make it right [1979, July]
Do not miss your chance © [1960, December]

Подпись автора

It's my life
It's now or never


I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive ©

графика от Эми